Women's Ministry
 Led By: Sis. Diane Preston


The mission of deacon, minister & trustee wives’ ministry is to assist our husbands
(deacons, ministers and trustees) in carrying out the pastor’s vision for the church. By
pledging our alliance to God, to serve humanity when and wherever needed; To be
a consecrated Christian Deacon’s, Minister’s and Trustee’s wife, by living a Christ-
centered life daily; to be a willing servant to serve with love, telling the good news of
Jesus with faith and prayer for all.
Matthew 5:16
“Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your
father which is in heaven.
If you know-help someone else to learn.
If you have-help someone else to get.
If you did- help someone else to do.
If you see-help someone else to look.

Deacon, Minister and Trustee Wives’ Ministry


The members of the Wives' Ministry are to assist the Deacons, Ministers, Trustees and the Pastor in carrying out the vision and mission of the church.  We’re to do whatever needs to be done in the church to ensure that church business and property in being handled in the proper manner.  (Deacon, Minister, and trustee wives should never step ahead of the Pastor, but they should seek the Pastor’s guidance when carrying out their duties/responsibilities to ensure that everyone is on one accord.)

  1. Three (3) months out of the year, you must be prepared to explain the lesson at the Deacon, Minister, and Trustee Wives’ meeting and be responsible for carrying out the duties listed in items 2-7. (The group that you are assigned to usually explains the lesson together) 
  1. Notify the Pastor and other officers of sick and shut-ins, hospitalizations, deaths/bereavement. (Should be prepared to go with the Deacons and Pastor to visit the hospital, nursing homes as well as take communion to the sick and shut-in.)
  1. You are responsible for preparing the table for communion and cleaning communion items immediately after communion is served.

    (Put extra communion items back into their respective places in the kitchen area.  Wash communion serving trays and store them in their respective place in the kitchen.) 
  1. Communion tablecloths are to be taken home by a member of your group after each communion and returned washed and ironed on the next Sunday morning.
  1. Assist baptismal candidates in preparing (proper dress) to be baptized. Wash baptismal towels after every baptism and return them to the church on the following Sunday.
  1. It is your responsibility to notify the Chairperson/President if you can’t attend a Deacon, Minister and Trustee Wives’ meeting.  (TBD)
  1. If for any reason you can’t perform these duties/responsibilities, you must notify the Chairperson/President so she can be prepared, or designate another member to carry out your duties or responsibilities.
  2. Each member is responsible for paying $5 per month = $60 yr. dues, +$10 for the pastors’ anniversary and $10 for the church anniversary for a total of $80.00 a year.